Transform Your Business With Technology

Leverage on our experience to serve your customers better. We help you take advantage of ICT tools to transform your business and deliver value to your customers.

Our Services

ICT Consultancy.

Drawing from our vast experience in ICT projects of different nature and complexities, we provide expert consultancy services related to business and technology analysis


Our solutions range from  Datacenter design and implementation, ICT Hardware & Software, Network & Cyber Security,  Business Applications on premise or Cloud


We provide various cloud solutions to support your business activities for customers who wish to pay on use. Our offering range from IaaS, SaaS, PaaS

About Us

EDGE SYSTEMS LTD is a private limited ICT solutions provider established in East Africa for Africa and beyond. Our main focus is to provide professional Information Technology Solutions.


To Provide innovative ICT solutions to customers that add value and enhance their business processes


To be the trusted go-to ICT partner providing cutting Edge solutions across Africa and beyond 

Why Choose Us?

Our Consultants have over 20 years combined experience in ICT field and have worked on numerous projects across East Africa. Amongst those projects are from Small, Medium to Large Enterprises across different sectors that rely heavily on Information Technologies to deliver their products and services

What are your pain points?

Talk to us for your unique ICT needs. Our experts will design a suitable solution based on your unique business needs and pain points

A Solution that Fits your business

We understand that there is no single solution that fits all problems or customer needs. We follow best practice methods to identify, & define your unique requirements, design, implement, monitor and support the most appropriate solution for your business

Our Uniqueness

Technology leaders

We partner with some of the leading Technology vendors to design, develop and deliver solutions across the different sectors, borrowing from tried and tested methods and unique strengths in various technology fields.
